join forces with PHnw
Passive House Individual Members
Every year
Membership for individuals
✓ Participation and membership in our community
✓ Discount on 1 conference ticket
✓ 1 free annual pass to small events
✓ Access to member exclusive online resources and archives
✓ Use of PHNW organization logo as authorized by PHNW policy
Passive House Small Business Member
Every year
Membership for small businesses with up to 3 employees
✓ Participation and membership in our community
✓ Discounts on up to 3 conference tickets
✓ 3 free annual passes to small events
✓ Access member exclusive online resources and archives
✓ Use of PHNW organization logo as authorized by PHNW policy
Passive House Business Membership
Every year
Membership for businesses with over 3 employees
✓ Participation and membership in PHNW community
✓ Discounts on up to 6 conference tickets
✓ 6 free annual passes to small events
✓ Access to member exclusive online resources and archives
✓ Use of PHNW organization logo as authorized by PHNW policy